Parent Engagement Institute
Chicago Coalition (PEICC)

Welcome to PEICC!
We are a coalition of Parent Mentor community organizations representing
Chicago’s largest network of neighborhood school parents. Our mission is clear: to ensure that every community is actively engaged and represented in Chicago’s first-ever school board elections on November 5, 2024.

In the Parent Mentor Program, we roll up our sleeves every day to volunteer in classrooms, filling equity gaps by giving love and attention to our students while we work together towards our dream schools and communities.

It is time for our schools and communities to help co-create the future of public education in our city.

If we plant the seeds

of love,


& knowledge,

we will see them


and grow

our communities together!


For the first time, Chicago residents will elect their school board members instead of having them appointed, empowering local communities to influence education leadership directly. This change aims to enhance community representation and accountability in educational leadership, allowing local voices to play a crucial role in shaping the future of public education in Chicago.

The elections are organized into specific districts, reflecting the diverse neighborhoods within the city, and are a response to ongoing demands for increased transparency and involvement in school governance.

Map of school board proposed district boundaries with Parent Mentor Program Schools.

Learn more about Chicago’s first school board elections with Chalkbeat’s interactive map that outlines the new school board districts in Chicago and provides detailed information about the specific districts, showing which neighborhoods fall under each board member.


FY25 Chicago Parent Mentor Partners

  • Brighton Park Neighborhood Council (BPNC)

  • ONE Northside

  • Centro de Trabajadores Unidos (CTU)

  • Palenque LSNA

  • District Outreach Initiatives (DOI)

  • Project Vision

  • Enlace Chicago

  • South Side Help Center (SSHC)

  • Family Focus (Nuestra Familia, Englewood, and Lawndale)

  • Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP)

  • Future Ties, NFP

  • Teamwork Englewood (TWE)

  • Indo American Center

  • The Resurrection Project (TRP)

  • Mr. Dad's Father's Club

  • Westside Health Authority (WHA)

  • North River Commission

  • Youth Guidance

  • Northwest Center (NWC)

Our 8 Pillars for the Chicago Elected School Board




  • Fully fund ALL CPS schools: invest in neighborhood schools so more parents would like to send their children to their neighborhood schools (and to prevent further school closures)

  • Grow sustainable community schools model

Parent & Community Leadership

Intentional parent engagement through funding, policy, and culture change that respects, represents, and uplifts parent voices.

  • Expand the Parent Mentor Program

  • Expand Ladders of Opportunity so schools tap into community talent

  • Make it a priority and common practice to create a welcoming environment and support for parent and student engagement

  • Parent resource hubs

  • Seek community input on how to increase parent engagement

  • Increase partnerships with organizations that do parent and youth engagement across the city, not just a select few

Authentic Partnerships

Transparency and accountability with the community.

  • Engage parents to be decision-makers

  • Listen to students/youth and respect their voice

  • More training/support and fewer vacancies for LSCs (Local School Councils)

  • Strong PACs (Parent Advisory Councils), including reimagining Title I parent engagement funding

  • Connect CACs (Community Action Councils) with more families

  • Language accessibility (welcoming parents of all backgrounds in resources and policy)

Black Student Success

  • Black Student Success with metrics broken out school by school and by networks

  • Share the plan

  • Address Black male teachers shortage

  • Peer-to-peer assistance to help cultivate more Black teachers


  • More programs and resources for students with IEPs and 504s

  • No vacancies: CPS Talent Dept works with PEI Ladders of Opportunity to fill vacancies in all necessary positions: para-pros, SECAS (Special Education, Classroom Assistants), teachers, etc.

  • Disability Justice and neurodiversity professional development and support for Special Education Classroom Assistants

  • Special Education Know Your Rights info provided to ALL families regardless of. needs (so they know their rights and resources)

  • Counseling programs for families and students

  • More bilingual special education staff


Developmentally appropriate school day where kids can learn and grow in a holistic way.

  • Smaller class sizes

  • Well rounded curriculum at schools (arts, music, culture, sports, gardens, recess, play, performing arts, world languages)

  • World class bilingual education program (with language immersion)

  • More Arts at our schools ( plays, musicals, poetry)

  • Social/racial justice curriculum in partnership with community organizers

  • Financial literacy

  • Digital library inside each school

  • Green spaces for children (community garden)

  • Tutoring/ intervention for low performing students

  • Career, technical education & workforce support for students and families

  • College counselors to provide better guidance

  • More intentional career and college preparation (by bring real life examples and trainings, job shadowing, internships; use formerly closed school spaces)

  • Immigrant student support and more multilingual staff


  • Counseling and mental health supports for all students and their families

  • All school properly staffed (counselors, social workers, more guidance counselors, nurses, college counselors, therapists, CHWs, mental health navigators)

  • Student mental health well being resources (restorative justice, peace room, wellness rooms at all high schools)

  • Meditation time for all students (Have 15 min mental breaks for H.S. students)

  • Gardening at all schools for mental health and SEL

  • When the student has some really complex issues, access to resources for therapy, even if it's to bring the therapist to the school.

  • Address homeless housing

  • Substance abuse services and classes for students and their families

  • Access to wrap-around services at the schools (latter evening, weekends, partner with CBOs to make this happen)


  • Make a holistic plan for student safety beyond reliance on police

  • Restorative justice expansion

  • More after school programming

  • Increased out of school programming especially public safety

  • Summer CAMPS not summer SCHOOLS

  • Increase more sustainable community schools across the city

  • Establish more partnerships of workforce opportunities for students to earn money not just over the summer, but year-round

What do you want school board candidates to know?

Scan the QR code to fill out this survey!