Ladders of Opportunity
The Parent Mentor Program inspires parents to PURSUE THEIR educationAL AND CAREER GOALS.
Funded by a three-year grant from the federal CURE program, which is managed through the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the Ladders of Opportunity is an initiative launched by the Parent Engagement Institute to support Parent Mentors’ career and education pathways and generate talent pipelines to mitigate critical school staffing shortages.
The Ladders of Opportunity initiative started out with us asking how we can better support Parent Mentors in pursuing their dreams, especially in terms of career and education pathways. And guess what? As Parent Mentors discover their passion for education through their volunteer work, it turns out that we can also help our schools fill vital roles.
Paraprofessional vacancies made up 37% (more than 1 in 3!) of all school district vacancies in the state last year. These vacancies disproportionately harm students with disabilities because so many paraprofessionals are Special Education Classroom Assistants (SECA’s).
Creating pathways to paraprofessional and teaching careers is an act of disability justice while also supporting the student’s overall social-emotional well-being.
Last year, the Ladders team worked tirelessly to coach and support 373 Parent Mentors. We are thrilled to report that, just in our first year, our efforts resulted in 132 Parent Mentors with paraprofessional credentials, 21 Parent Mentors with Substitute licenses, and 127 Parent Mentors hired by schools for paraprofessional, substitute, and other critical school positions.
89.1% of all Parent Mentor graduates last year completed or made progress towards their personal goals, such as gaining employment, learning English, earning a GED, and/or going to college.
The Parent Mentor Program and Ladders of Opportunity is truly a team effort - every step taken deserves celebration because it doesn’t happen without a support network of parent mentors, coordinators, organizers, PEI staff, and encouraging teachers and principals.
““The Parent Mentor Program started the wheels turning in my head and making me think that I wanted more than just to be a mom or wanting more than just to have a job. It was more in the area of education. So, that’s really what started my desire to want to pursue a career in education”.
More than 370 Parent Mentors have gone on to work for their schools.
School administrations have long recognized the value of Parent Mentors and frequently hire them for all roles within the school: Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Clerks, Lunchroom Staff, Recess Playworkers, Bus Drivers, Afterschool Arts Instructors, and more.
Listen to The pei Podcast
Welcome to the Parent Engagement Institute Podcast! Interviewing Black, Brown, and Immigrant mothers in Illinois, this series tells the story of four women whose personal and professional lives have been forever changed by the Parent Mentor Program. The Parent Mentor Program works with public schools statewide to recruit neighborhood parents to assist teachers in the classroom. Interviewed by members of the Parent Engagement Institute, women Carmen, Brenda, Jackie, and Ms. Tina reveal their journey from the role of Parent Mentor to that of teacher, social worker, student, and civic organizer.
Episode One: ms. tina
Ms. Tina Smith: Former Paraprofessional turned Parent Mentor and back again! Interviewed By the ACE Project’s Lorée Washington, an organizer for Ladders of Opportunity.
Jackie Espinal: DACA recipient and former Parent Mentor turned paraprofessional! Interviewed by Palenque LSNA and Parent Engagement Institute organizer Iyabo Anifowoshe.
Brenda Torres: former law student turned Parent Mentor and now paraprofessional! Interviewed By the Southwest Organizing Project’s Parent Mentor Organizer, Ana Laura Narro.
Brenda Torres: ¡ex estudiante de derecho convertida en mentora de padres y ahora paraprofesional! Entrevistado por la organizadora mentora de padres del Proyecto Organizador Suroeste, Ana Laura Narro.
Carmen Munguia: former lawyer turned Parent Mentor and now graduate student in social work at Loyola University! Interviewed by the Southwest Organizing Project’s Maggie Perales, an organizer for the Parent Engagement Institute.
Carmen Munguia: ¡Ex abogada convertida en Mentor de Padres y ahora estudiante graduada en trabajo social en la Universidad de Loyola! Entrevistado por Maggie Perales, del Proyecto Organizador del Suroeste, una organizadora del Instituto de Participación de Padres.
Frequently asked questions
Funded by a three-year grant from the federal CURE program, which is managed through the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the Ladders of Opportunity is an initiative launched by the Parent Engagement Institute to support Parent Mentors’ career and education pathways and generate talent pipelines to mitigate critical school staffing shortages.
Paraprofessionals are school employees and vital members of a school’s support staff. They are educators (licensed with stipulations) who support students’ learning under the supervision of a licensed/certified teacher. Paraprofessionals commonly provide instructional support which can include one-on-one or group support, assist with classroom management, and provide instructional and physical assistance to students in a special education classroom.
Paraprofessional is an umbrella term that includes positions such as teacher assistants, special education classroom assistants (SECAs), behavioral aides, instructional aides, language aides, and paraeducators.
In addition to helping nine Parent Mentor partner organizations pilot the Ladders of Opportunity initiative in their respective communities, PEI-Ladders has a dedicated staff that provides coaching for foreign transcript evaluations and paraprofessional and teacher licensure.
PEI-Ladders also hosts workshops and informational sessions throughout the year, covering topics like building healthy working relationships with lead teachers, stages of child development, universal strategies for supporting all students, restorative practices, introduction to neurodivergent learners, and more.
You can learn more information on the ISBE website at this link.
To receive support from PEI-Ladders of Opportunity, you must be a current or past participant of the Parent Mentor Program.
Parent Mentors who studied in another country can have their credentials and credits validated in the United States. A foreign transcript evaluation is needed for parents seeking employment within certain careers and/or looking to enroll at a college or university. You can also use it to apply for different types of ISBE licenses.
PEI-Ladders of Opportunity can help any current or former Parent Mentor, Coordinator or Organizer to obtain their FREE Foreign Transcripts Evaluation.